Basic principle within our group “Terre et Peuple”: we believe that each member of our Movement are adult and vaccinated, aware of the issues and so free, with conscience, about the decision to vote (or not vote) for the candidate of their choice. We renounce to influence their decision, since it would be disrespectful, with no consideration towards them.

However, it is normal that some friends are asking the question (without telling me), regarding my point of view. I want to respond, but be aware that it is only my opinion (as this decision could be, I am well aware of it, of great gravity and I don’t want, in any way, bring to others the consequences of my choices).


Marine Le Pen had an unworthy and detestable behaviour towards her father. She is keeping in his entourage a group of people who, for various reasons, deserve from us nothing than contempt. She chose to give guarantees to the System, to be accepted by him, which go against our convictions and our loyalty.

That's a lot. But...

Beyond the personality of Marine Le Pen and people in her circle, the important thing is the political phenomenon she embodies. That is a wave, a tsunami of popular revolt made up of several million voters. Voters who do not have the historical-political culture to know who really is Marine Le Pen but who defer on her, wishes and hope, that we could summarize with a simple formula (because it expresses a profound truth): no to immigrants-invaders, no to the programmed death of the France and its people. All the rest is literature.

From here (for those who read ‘Machiavel’, it is an evidence), we need to contribute to this indictment of the system (regardless of its artificiality, as it will be viewed as well) that will express the Marine Le Pen vote. This vote might generate the sacred union, to defend their honorary position, of all politicians from left and right. Which logically (but logic is not necessarily decisive in politics...) should lead to the failure of Marine Le Pen. Which will leave among its voters, who will fall from top, bitterness, resentment conducive to feed a spirit of revolt. And make them ripe for a radical speech, offering alternatives to the way, tampered with ballot boxes. And so many things become possible. Would we be in 1788?

Pierre VIAL

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