I have no illusions about Marine Le Pen and people around her. Speaking of a “pacified France” to make it a banner is a denial of reality, which is a negative sign for someone who claims to assume the responsibilities of power. That being said, what is important is not there because the votes that are going to be on her name are not based upon the qualities or defects of the candidate. They will, in fact, be the expression of a despair with regard to the System, of a simple and pure rejection of this System and of what it carries, in particular, immigration invasion and the Great Replacement it implies, which would seal the death of our identity and our freedom. Therefore, these votes are useful because they constitute a pre-revolutionary potential.
Why? Because the voters of Marine Le Pen will be disappointed (to say no more) one day or another, by the gap, the deep gulf between the hopes they put on her and what she claims to do. That is, imprisoned by its allegiance to the System, which she is hiding less and less, especially on immigration and multiracial society, she will cause a disappointment in proportion to the illusions she has aroused and sustained.
Thus - and this is where everything can happen - there will be people, many people, ready to rally to the idea that only a radical solution calling into question and rejecting the whole system, could save our country, actually on the verge of ruin. An unlikely hypothesis, as some people say (to reassure oneself), but that we cannot exclude totally: if a certain number of Gaul end, exceeded, by reacting really, that is to say, physically, what would happen? This is called a Revolution. A Revolution identity, which is carried by some people, of which we are. Let's get ready.
Pierre VIAL
To read:
Sylvain Tesson, Sur les chemins noirs, Gallimard, 2016, 144 pages, 15 euros.
Philippe de Villiers, Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain ?, Albin Michel, 2016, 316 pages, 22,50 euros.
Michel Onfray, Décadence, Flammarion, 2017, 750 pages, 22,90 euros.
Jean-Claude Michéa, Notre ennemi, le capital, Flammarion, 2017, 314 pages, 19 euros.