Dead leaves
Here comes the time when dead leaves fall. Here comes the times when illusions fall.
Macron thinks he's a brilliant illusionist. However, good people, these naïve Gauls being hypnotized by him, has begun to open their eyes; thanks to mental conditioning implemented by those who push him towards the ‘Elysée’ with the mobilization of ALL the media in striped vests. While Macron is running the show on the UN platform, pretending to give lessons of morality to the whole world, a bittersweet wind is rising in France. "The lower class", the employee threatened constantly to fall into precariousness, the trader and the craftsman squeezed by the tax extortion, the farmer taken in hostage by the bank (Crédit agricole), all these "lazybones", as Macron has said, understand which steamroller is turned on to roll or reduce them to servitude. They do not want to submit? Macron does not care because the MEDEF is very happy with what is happening, isn’t it?
But the zealots of the CAC 40 would be wrong to show off. That is, to the great disappointment of the system's flunky, submission of people is not acquired yet. The People? What is that? Does it exists? Let us listen to the soothsayers: for Cohn-Bendit, "we must stop saying that the people are always right"; for Attali, Macron's guru, people have no right to question the "irreversible progress" of capitalism-liberalism; for Luc Ferry, the referendum is "a gadget to avoid"; besides, says Alain Minc, following the vote of the English to leave the Brussels Europe, "this referendum is not the victory of the peoples over the elites but of people poorly trained over the educated people"; when the famous unknown philosopher Gaspard Koening ensures the ‘Figaro’s newspaper’ that the people is a "novelist fiction" ...
And first of all, by what right do the people go down to the street? "Democracy is not the street," says Macron. With a smile of command, although a little tense because the street is disturbing for the bourgeois cenacles where the measures are plotting to tie up, again and again, the citizens. In this respect, the training of consciences must begin at school. The School, "this new Church with its new clergy, its new liturgy, its new Tables of the law". It's as beautiful as Robespierre ... Normal, since it's signed Vincent Peillon, who was Minister of Education under François Hollande’s political regime. In his book “Religion for the Republic”, this sans-culotte has the merit of being very clear: "The school has a fundamental role since it must strip the child of all his pre-republican ties (...) The Revolution implies total forgetfulness of what precedes the Revolution. From the past, let's make a clean sweep. This sentence is relatively known, mostly applied in the Old South by hysterics, eager to remove all traces of memory, so southern identity.
Since dead leaves are picked up by the shovel load, a last word on the dead leaf of Philippot. He might think he is a brilliant manipulator and had received from his sponsors the mission to break the FN, but he trips over his words despite his charm, which represents the Cross of Lorraine, of which he saddle himself with. "Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine»…
Pierre Vial