The opposition between legal country and real country, established by Charles Maurras, has often been denied by the System’s men.
(There is) One good reason: it is accused of every main vice, which consist of wanting to bend the realities of countries and/or people, over ideological items disconnected from those realities. However, the opposition between real and legal countries is more evident now than ever.

A clear example was seen in the last polls. The abstention from the majority of people proofed that one voter out of two showed disdain, not to call it contempt for a System where, beyond nice discussions about demagogy, left and right politicians were as thick as thieves to fool and fleece the sheep-citizens, invited to watch football on TV, leaving behind serious issues for people who believed in them.

Effectively, we are in a deeply unhealthy situation, as some observers have noted: the PS controls all the powers (the presidency, both assemblies, a majority of regions and several big cities), but the real winner is the "party of abstentionists ", this is to say, "the party of the defeated by the crisis”, “the deluded by Politics, the constellation of minds cooled by painful experiences" (Jack Dion, Marlanne, 16 June). Abstention is the faith of young people (66% aged 18-24), workers (49%), employees (53%), of half of those with an income of less than 1200 euros per month. Moreover, the PS is supported by one voter out of three, and controls the entire legal country. This is the profile of future victims of economic and social difficulties (euphémisme) to whom France will inevitably turn to requesting for accountability.

The ruthless figures are as follows: the defeat of INSEE, all economic indicators in red. GDP growth by only 0.4% in 2012 (while the Netherlands’ economic program is based on betting on a GDP growth of 1.7% in 2013, an objective obviously impossible to hold). Purchase power will experience a sharp decline (probably 1.2%), the highest since 1984. Regarding unemployment, rising dramatically in the last weeks, according to Insee, it should increase further on by the end of the year, to reach 10.3% of the labor force (the number of applicants for jobs over 50 years climbed up to 14%). This is what the Minister of Labour and Employment Michel Sapin euphemistically called "a very negative trend" ... With the most lucid of his friends, he knows that tomorrow will not sing.

Needless to say, we are satisfied. Because, although it is sad to say, there will always be too many Gauls plunged into the mess to start to ask questions, not precisely the right questions. Namely, in a France where "diversity" virtues are celebrated, where triumphalism is expressed by non-European ministers and deputies, one day or another, it will be necessary to set things straight in order to obtain worthy social justice for the benefit of our people. That will be the authentic revolution, the return to the real country.

Pierre Vial

"To deceive those whom you seek to please. And to become pleased they become malleable and ductile. They respond to your desires. They betray all things to be like the one wish, what should I do with these jellyfish without bones or shape? »
Saint-Exupéry, Citadelle, XCVI


Translation : Rory

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